receiving oral sex hiv medhelp. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services. receiving oral sex hiv medhelp

 We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and servicesreceiving oral sex hiv medhelp  Are you using any creams or taking any medications? Helpful - 2

Vaginal Sex. In America only 20,000 cases last year. Hi. The exposure you describe is essentially zero risk for all STDs including HIV. 04% for performer. However, from your experience, you would be at most risk for gonorrhea and NGU (you can be tested for these at this time - symptoms (discharge) would have shown up by now. DR. Hi everyone. STIs can be symptomless, so you might not notice any infection-related problems in a partner before performing or receiving oral sex. Recent 2. Learn the right way to use an external condom (sometimes called a male condom) and an internal condom (sometimes. Sara_MHModerator. Helpful - 1. HANSFIELD. 1) Oral to genital HIV transmission is very rare. -Sharing needles to inject drugs. The risk of HIV transmission through oral sex is very low. Nope. What are my HIV and STD risks from receiving unprotected oral sex? Communities. Oral sex is not a risk for HIV as the virus is inactivated by air and saliva. No, not from oral sex and your genital exposure was condom protected. It's estimated by 1 study that less than 10% of all hsv1 genital infections are from genital to genital transmission. 4) With regard to HIV risk ONLY, do you suggest men to put condom while receiving oral from female from unknown status. Risk with oral sex Posted on Jun 3, 2008 ----- Dr. This is a personal choice but there is no appreciable risk for HIV from receiving oral sex. Not a single proven, documented case. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. . Given the millions and millions of times that oral sex has been performed on infected. You are reading content posted in the HIV Prevention Community. "And oral sex is basically safe sex -- completely safe with respect to HIV and although not zero risk for other STDs, the chance of infection is far lower than for unprotected vaginal or anal sex. DR. She was white met her on internet. Welcome to the forum. Of course main concern is oral it seems alot of people now quote the CDC as saying 1 in 20k for insertive oral as though this is now a fact and people do get infected this way just not that often. Dear Dr. He performed oral sex on me for a short period of time and I didn't think anything of it until I fell sick 2. Please educate yourself about the real risks. Oral sex in either direction -- i. We get frequent questions about STD/HIV risks associated with oral sex. The quoted figure for HIV risk, if one has or receives oral sex with an infected partner is less than 1 in 10,000 and, in my estimation that is too high. While it is very difficult to ever know how HIV transmission occurred, according to a factsheet on oral sex produced by the CDC in 20005, there have been a few documented cases of transmission during oral sex. If you don't do either of those, you will never have to worry about HIV. Moreover, the 0. In the US, that translates to a maximum of a 1% chance, and more likely 1 chance in 1,000. Firstly I would like to say thanks to everyone on this forum and appreciate your great work. Some others suggest that there is an appreciable risk of HIV from oral sex however, there are no convincing scientific reports which support these statements. The only risks for HIV in adults are: 1) Having unprotected anal or vaginal sex, or. H. Helpful - 1. Close Receiving oral from risky person Henry1991. from southern Africa). D. i-base. . Oral sex involves giving or receiving oral stimulation (i. Syphilis is rare. HSV only increases the risk IF you had a risk to begin with, which you did not. I'm specifially interested in male-male. So, NO worries there about. Even if she had HIV, oral sex is considered safe sex in regard to HIV. Hello, I am 28M. 2. You would never develop a sore throat related to HIV acute sero-conversion one day after the infection. Oral-Vaginal Sex. Chlamydia is not transmitted by oral sex often enough to worry about. Not one person has ever been infected this way and you are not going to be the first. I went to a swingers club on Saturday evening and received and gave unprotected oral sex with three different women. Helpful - 2. This sentence is all you need to know to protect yourself against HIV. Helpful - 2. Answer Question. The CDC states a theroritical risk. Hunter Handsfield, M. The tests turn out everything. Oral Sex. Like fellatio, this is also considered a low-risk activity. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site. Ask a question. oral sex with sex worker. a. So, even with her braces, even if you had/got a scratch or blood on your penis from her mouth, you would not get HIV from this. This, in epidemiological terms, is statistically insignificant. " Here it states that there IS a chance to get HIV in an oral sex intercourse, but it is less common. My ex-girlfriend, recently opened up to me on her HIV status. In terms of HIV transmission i guess if the giver had a very severe bleeding mouth, and was HIV positive and the receiver had a open wound that was actively bleeding on his penis. ) So, yes, I mean exactly what you say: If a woman has HIV, a man performing cunnilingus on her has an extremely low risk--if any risk at all--of catching HIV. 32%, 709/785). Risk varies based on whether the person who is HIV-positive is giving or receiving oral sex. Don't think you're going to be the first one. HIV is rarely if ever transmitted from the oral to genital partner by oral sex. Then I had protected sex with one of them. Getting a blowjob is absolutely NOT a risk for hiv infection. gracefromHHP. Your safe and no testing is required even if she was hiv positive it makes no difference. You are at zero risk for HIV. Dr. "And oral sex is basically safe sex -- completely safe with respect to HIV and although not zero risk for other STDs, the chance of infection is far lower than for unprotected vaginal or anal sex. 11%. FROM THE HIV EXPERTS HERE AT MEDHELP: There is no debate (among experts) about the HIV risks associated with oral sex. Getting a blowjob is absolutely NOT a risk for hiv infection. , May 15, 2010 09:41AM If chlamydia could be transmitted, HIV could be as well. I recently, after a drunken night, ended up receiving oral sex from an African sex worker (she was from Zambia, the incident happened in Europe). Giving or receiving oral sex is not going to result in the transfer of HIV. Please educate yourself about the real risks. There is no debate (among experts) about the HIV risks associated with oral sex. Oral sex is safe sex. Some others suggest that there is an appreciable risk of HIV from oral sex however, there are no convincing scientific reports which support these statements. Hey forum, After some researching, I've become confused about the risk from receiving a blow job. The chance of contracting HIV via one encounter of anal sex is as follows: receptive anal intercourse: 1. A related discussion, Chances of HIV with an escort was started. I have used a cream to settle down the inflamtion but did not work. 30%, 718/804) or receiving oral sex (90. B23121. We get frequent questions about STD/HIV risks associated with oral sex. What you posted above does not look like STD tests. Please educate yourself about the real risks. The only risks for HIV are to have unprotected vaginal or anal sex or share IV drug (injectable) needles. So your chance of acquiring HIV from a single such exposure can be calculated as 0. The only ways adults get HIV is from unprotected vaginal or anal sex or sharing IV drug needles. Any responses or links to clear information on the distinction between giving and receiving oral (and the associated risks) would be appreaciated. Plus to add to what Dr Hansfield and you say about the odds of getting infected by oral sex is something like 1 in 10000 if you perform oral sex to a infected HIV person and 1 in 20000 if you receive oral sex from a infected HIV person. As well, some sites say there have been no cases of getting HIV from oral, while other sites say that there have been a few cases. There is no debate (among experts) about the HIV risks associated with oral sex. 08% (equivalent to 1 transmission per 1,250 exposures). That is equivalent to having the same exposure once a day for 55,000 years and still maybe never catching HIV. No one has ever gotten HIV from receiving oral sex. Yesterday, I went to cruise bar where I received oral sex from a guy. Several sexually transmitted diseases (), including HIV, herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, HPV, and viral hepatitis can be passed on through oral sex. The. Your exposures were not a risk for HIV. Hook have never seen nor read a convincing case of HIV from oral sex. So there is absolutely no reason to be concerned about HIV. "As far as HIV is concerned, there is no known risk of getting HIV from performing oral sex on an infected partner, even if that person's genital secretions get into your eyes or if you swallow. Factors that may increase the risk of transmitting HIV through oral sex. But it's not. But even if there were some measurable risk, of course doing it with a condom reduces the risk to zero. Edward W Hook, MD. Oral sex is NEVER a risk. In a previous post, Teak has listed a. hi guys good day to all of you. You can transmit hsv1 from genitals to genitals but the risk of doing so is on average rather low. I would not worry. Hook. Gonorrhea is probably the biggest risk from receiving oral sex and that would likely result in discharge if you had it. Both air and saliva are involved in receiving oral sex, and yes, it is still NOT a risk if she had cuts in her mouth. unprotected penetrating vaginal with a penis. There is no risk of getting HIV from receiving oral sex (that is, having your penis in someone else’s mouth). Finally, with regard to oral sex, oral sex is an inefficient way to transmit STDs. Answer Question. FROM THE HIV EXPERTS HERE AT MEDHELP: "As you know from other posts about oral sex, our stance is that giving or receiving oral sex is not a risk for HIV. In the US, that translates to a maximum of a 1% chance, and more likely 1 chance in 1,000. HHH also says that he believes the estimate is too high and he and Dr. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications. unprotected penetrating anal sex with a penis 3. The only risks are to have unprotected vaginal or anal sex or to share IV needles to inject drugs. Oral Sex and Reducing the Risk of HIV Transmission The consequences of HIV infection are life-long. Kissing, including French kissing, is not risky, the same goes for caressing and petting. hiv is NOT transmitted through oral sex. Not one person has ever been infected this way and you are not going to be the first. This means that performing or receiving oral sex puts you at risk. The first calcualtion comes to 0. Hunter Handsfield, M. Nothing has happened so far in the history of HIV for it to become an actual risk. If you're the one receiving oral sex, the risk of contracting HIV or hepatitis is extremely low, but put on the breaks if the cunning linguist has fresh piercings, bleeding gums, or canker sores. mojo1211. Some others suggest that there is an appreciable risk of HIV from oral sex however, there are no convincing scientific reports which support these statements. Welcome to the forum. The mouth is a hostile environment for HIV. NOTHING else you can think of would put you at risk for HIV, including the events you mentioned. we actually have a poster here on the board right now who contracted hsv2 genitally from receiving oral sex most likely. Nor is frottage. HANDSFIELD. Gallant I just want to know if there have been any changes in the way hiv can be transmitted. Dr. The risk of getting HIV through giving oral sex (that is, your mouth on a partner's genitals) is low compared with unprotected vaginal or anal sex, but there is some risk. Oral Sex cases. DR. Not a realistic concern. You had NO RISK for HIV and you do not need to test. HIV is not a risk with oral sex. There have not been any cases of. And the Dr's state that 1/2 of all of those who encounter syphilis will not get infected. Is it possible to. The massager suddently lick my penis for like 10 seconds and then put it in her mouth for like 10 seconds. I have developed no visible sores or discharge during that time. 1. You didn't need PEP and you don't need to test since you were never exposed to HIV. The report then adds, ''Avoiding ejaculation in the mouth . Close Can I giving someone hiv from receiving oral sex Benwilliamson. The only risks for HIV in adults are: 1) Having unprotected anal or vaginal sex, or 2) sharing intravenous needles with IV drug users. I'm not sure if she is lying about ever using heroin but I know she's experimented with drugs and has been sketchy in the past. But do both forms of giving or receiving oral sex conduct a risk for HIV? Read Responses (5+) Follow. Communities > HIV Prevention > HIV / STD By receiving oral sex from sex worker first time. On the other hand for STIs which have lesions such as herpes, syphilis and HPV, condoms further reduce the risk for infection (typically by. i didn't see her place it in her vagina and think it was just on, however she then placed it on my penis on my testicles and shaft and for a few around on the tip near but not on the urthea. Hi, i am very worried i received a blowjob from a sex worker, he is a male with and dont having any sore on outside of mouth or lips i dont know about inside. On the third day I had some pain in the bladder region, and on the sixth day I had mild pain in my testicles. NickLibran. To your specific questions: 1) Anybody can say anything they want on the web. A. A lot of responses I've read on here say "you have virtually no risk of catching it from receiving oral sex". There is very little risk of getting HIV from giving oral sex, but having cuts or sores in your mouth, gum disease, having an STI in your throat, or recent dental work increases. Unprotected, I gave her and she gave me. Hook.